
Trap the Light

Light | Shadow



Research Project










Black holes are strange objects that can even trap light within themselves. Anybody hit by a black hole in the event horizon will be waiting for an unknown fate. But in our galaxy and on Earth, the same light will continue to radiate and reach us.
We have been able to design solutions for this massive phenomenon in architecture, exploiting it in different ways and other uses.
But thinking that we can use the phenomenon of black holes and their robust mechanism to absorb light into ourselves in architecture allows this field to think about light.
This scientific phenomenon can be the source of inspiration for our future buildings. The impact of the phenomena in nature has always been a new and special way of architecture. By maximizing light absorption through structures, we can answer a big question. A matter such as energy shading, the separation of controlled light, the creation of a shadow to the desired and applied level, and an object that is attracted to a building will create a shadow in itself (the singularity in black holes and Skipping from the event horizon and the unlimited darkness). This is a pure action and action of light and shadow. In this way, we can, in some way, provide a definite answer to the maximum use of this vast source of creation in the science and the art of architecture and the response to the problem and the direct connection of light and shadow in architecture

Trap the Light Concept
Karoon Town From Mehdi Amiri

Black holes

At first, everything started with light.
But later on, the light traveled to the heart of the darkness to reach here … to us.

If we call to light the main element in the infinite lap of the universe and the cosmos, we have not talked about thinking. The beginning of the universe and our universe. The face, which may not always be the answer to the end … But in the heart of this world, there is a mysterious end to the light … the end of which humanity may not be able to answer scientifically and decisively.
There are a lot of celestial bodies in the universe and our universe, and in the dark of pure darkness, there is a deep and deeper darkness that light can not pass through and is trapped in it …. Black holes
